AIDS - Biological Warfare - excerpt from Extraordinary Biology - Tom Bearden |
Altering of Molecular Movement - ELF - Electromagnet Disease Transmission - February 1992, C. B. Baker |
Basis of Bioelectricmagnetism, The - D. Lawrence Burk, Jr., M.D. |
Biological Effects of Quantum
Fields and Their Role In the Natural Healing Process, 1998, Glen
Rein, Ph.D. |
BRMG, The - Biological Molecule Resonance Generator - 1996, Steven J. Smith |
Changing Nature of Electrotherapy, The - Author Unkown |
Conditioning Electromagnetic Potentials, Fields and Waves to Alter Matter - 2001, T. E. Bearden |
Conventional Medicine Far Riskier Than Supplements - 2003, Barbara Sumner Burstyn |
DNA and RNA Derived Frequencies - Boehm |
Exogen Elektronic Therapy - EET - Petersen |
Instructions for Experimental/Theoretical Blood Electrification – Hypothetical
Protocols for Experimental sessions – 1997
Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. |
FCC 47CFR Part 18 - Industrial, Scientific and Medical Equipment |
Fibromyalgia - A Patients Perspective - Cecil E. Maranville |
Filterable Bodies Seen with the Rife Microscope - Science Magazine |
French Physicist Creates New Melodies -
Plant Songs |
Good Vibrations Give Plants Excitations -
1994, Coghlan, New Scientist Magazine |
Low vs High Frequency Plasma Excitation - Application Note GT-210 - Glen Technologies, Inc. |
In Vivo Bioelectrochemical Changes Associated with Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Electric Fields - 1977, Andrew A. Marino, Thomas J. Berger, B. Peter Austin, Robert O. Becker and Francis X. Hart |
Kinetics of Microbial Inactivation
for Alternative Food Processing (appx 275
pages) |
Look at the Frequencies of Rife-Related Plasma Emission Devices, A - Boehm |
Low-Volt Pulsed Micro-Amp Stimulation - Robert I. Picker, M.D. |
System and Apparatus for Conditioning Electromagnetic
Potentials, Fields, and Waves to Treat
and Alter Matter - Thomas E. Bearden |
Molecular Signaling - Banveniste |
Mycoplasm - The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases - 2001, Donald W. Scott |
Microscopes, The – – R.E.
Seidel, M.D. & M. Elizabeth Winter 1944, Journal
of the Franklin Institute, Vol 237 |
New Mictoscopes, The – R.E. Seidel,
M.D. & M. Elizabeth Winter 1944, Annual Report of
the board of Regents of the Smithsonian , 1944 (Publication
3776) |
Quantum Vibrations -
1994, Sternheimer, New Scientist Magazine |
Report of the British Rife Group -
presented to the International Rife Technology Conference – Las
Vegas March 2002, available at www.scoon.co.uk (pdf) |
Rife Technology Experimenters Manual – Holman
Rife Way, The – Mark
Simpson, Electrus Newsletter, Issue 2, November 1990 |
RF Excited Plasma: RFI/EMI and Safety Considerations, The - Author Unknown |
Something Rotten - Horrobin |
Summary - DNA - derived Frequency Theory - Boehm |
Syncrometer Science Labratory Manual - Experimental procedures for biological investigations using syncrometry - Hulda R. Clark, Ph.D., N.D. (Also Includes: Applications in Plate-Zapping and other new Zapping Techniques for Cancer Therapy) |
Tentative Mechanism for Healing, A - Toni Bunnel PhD |
Contributions to Electrotherapy – Patton
H. McGinley, Ph.D. Emory Clinic – Radiation Therapy – an
excellent yet brief review of prior Tesla work in the field
of electrotherapy. No doubt this work was at least partially
the foundation and inspiration for the “equipment
side” of Rife’s work. (need scan) PDF |
Thanks for the Memory - Milgrom |
Understanding Digital Biology - Benveniste |
V-Bocci - Institute of General Physiology, University of Siena, 531000 Siena, Italy |