Construction Details
Transportable Bare-Rife Construction
The "Transportable Rife" construction details provide a pictorial guidline and sample for those wishing to construct a substantial and reliable unit for personal research. The open architecture allows for easy modifications and monitoring of the seperate components. The details allow the experimenter to better envision how one might design and lay out a practicle unit for their own unique requirements
Bare Rife Tube Hints
Unless you have a background or experience in RF electronics, some of the
issues involved with the Bare-Rife plasma tube and wiring may not be
obvious. This short pictorial may assist with considerations when designing
your system. |
Bare Rife Tube Wrapping
Poor delivery of the RF signal into the plasma tube is probably the primary
reason for most system and component failures. Here we will step you thru a
detailed pictorial examples of wraping a tube, complete with downloadable
Poor Man's Rife
This group of articles with step the user thru the simple device construction.
Poor Man's Rife - HV Plasma
Poor Man's Rife High Voltage Plasma device construction. |
Uniden 510XL Modifications
The 510xl for some time was a preferred radio for Bare-Rife due to the ease of modification. Basic design changes to the radio have made the more recent versions worthless for our needed modifications. If you are able to find an older version of this radio, this is how it use to be done.
Bare-Rife Connstruction Details (Austin)
Sample Construction Details are also shared here for another open-architecture Bare-Rife system to provide the experimenter ideas for their own project.