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An Effective Wrap for the Bare-Rife Tube

Prepairing a pair of appropriate sized copper collars is the first step in this wrap method.


  • Need some helping hands or a small vise
  • Propane Torch
  • Hemostats to handle very hot parts
  • Copper tubing (appropriately sized for your tube)
  • Solderless Connector Eyelets and Crimping Tool
  • Length of Teflon Insulated Wire.
  • Teflon Tape
  • Tie-Wraps
  • Solder
  • Wire Cutters
  • Wire strippers
  • Monster Stranded Audio Cable

Note: in the past, some have connected wire and have had them held in place via automotive hose clamps. We DO NOT recommend thins method. Because of the direct contact of glass and metal and the various problems inheirent with rapid changes in temperature.

The wireless connectors can typically be soldered on with the use of a small propane torch. A soldering iron, even a very large one), is typically not large enough for this purpose.


One one of the collars also solder a length of wire. A high quality Teflon insulated wire is ideal. Notice the direction each of the wires is connected. Length of wire will be trimmed but start with a length typically several feet long.


Mark position where collar needs to be installed. Typically this will be IN from the end of the tube away from the conceled internal electrode. RF applications do NOT normally use this internal electrode.


Wrap well the above “marked area” with a layer or 2 of Teflon tape to form a protective bed. The collar will rest loosely on this tape heald in place laterally via nylon tie-wraps. This allows space for temperature related expansion and contraction without stressing the glass in any way.

A protective enclosure is not absolutely necessary but is highly recommended. The tubes can be somewhat fragile,

Included here for your convienience is the printable single page pictorial with notations for your convienience.

We will be adding more pictorial details as time permits.


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